
Liepājas rokāde - 2017





VI Sigulda District Open Rapid Chess Championship


SiguldaOrganizers: The competition is organized and run by the Riga Chess Federation in cooperation with the Sigulda District Council Sports Department
Place: Sigulda State Gymnasium, K.Barona iela 10, Sigulda, Latvia.
Time: 30th of September and 1st of October, 2017 (Saturday and Sunday)
Management: Tournament director is Visvaldis Gercāns, e-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it , ph. +371 29277148. Arbiters: The Chief Arbiter is Alberts Cimiņš, e-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it , ph. +371 28804664, Arbiter: Aivars Laizāns, e-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .
System, time control: 11 rounds Swiss system, FIDE rules, FIDE rapid chess rating calculation. Time control 12 min/game + 5 sec/move. Chief arbiter has the right to make changes.
Tournament is open for all chess lovers who have FIDE ID number.



Regulations:  EN  LV  RU       List of players   





www.rtuopen.lvThe VII International Chess Festival „RIGA TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OPEN 2017” - August 7-13, 2017, Riga, Latvia. Five main ELO tournaments and an additional blitz tournament; the total prize pool of the festival - 20 000 EUR.



Results:  | A | B | C | D | E | F |           LIVE GAMES


Chess Festival "Liepajas rokade - 2017"


Chess Festival "Liepajas rokade - 2017": August 3 - 6, 2017,(SIA “Liepājas Latviešu biedrības nams”, Rožu laukums 5/6, LIEPAJA, LATVIA). Total Prize Amount: 7000 EUR.


Regulations      Results:    [ Open ]  [ Team ]  [ Blitz ]  [ Supertournament ]


/ Liepajas rokade - 2016 /



mileika26th Janis Mileika МЕМОRIAL CONGRESS, 5-6 November 2016, Jēkabpils, Latvia
- Saturday 5 November 2016: ELO-rated 9-round Swiss Rapidplays, G8+4 (13:30-18:00), Section A: OPEN, Section B: max ELO 2000; 19:00 - Table tennis tournament and chess lecture.
- Sunday 8 November 2016: 10:00 - Laying flowers at the grave of Janis Mileika (Bus from the tournament hall), ELO-rated 7 double-round Swiss Blitz, G3+2 (10:30-14:00, Play two games with each opponent alternating colours). 


Regulations:  EN  LV  RU       Results:  [ A ]  [ B ]  [ Blitz ]      Winners     Gallery: [ 1 ] [ 2 ]


Jurmala Chess Days


Jurmala Chess DaysInternational chess festival “Jurmala Chess Days”: February 26 – March 5 2017, “SemaraH Hotel Lielupe”, Jurmala, Latvia: 7 tournaments (including Mikhail Tal Memorial and Alexei Shirov Winter Cup).




V Sigulda District Open Rapid Chess Championship


SiguldaOrganizers: The competition is organized and run by the Riga Chess Federation in cooperation with the Sigulda District Council Sports Department
Place: Sigulda State Gymnasium, K.Barona iela 10, Sigulda, Latvia.
Time: 1st and 2nd of October, 2016 (Saturday and Sunday)
Management: Tournament director is Visvaldis Gercāns, e-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it , ph. +371 29277148. Arbiters: The Chief Arbiter is Alberts Cimiņš, e-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it , ph. +371 28804664, Arbiter: Aivars Laizāns, e-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .
System, time control: 11 rounds Swiss system, FIDE rules, FIDE rapid chess rating calculation. Time control 12 min/game + 5 sec/move. Chief arbiter has the right to make changes.
Tournament is open for all chess lovers who have FIDE ID number.


Regulations:  EN  LV  RU       Results     Games




www.rtuopen.lvThe VI International Chess Festival „RIGA TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OPEN 2016” - August 8-14, 2016, Riga, Latvia. Four main ELO tournaments and an additional blitz tournament; the total prize pool of the festival - 18 600 EUR.



Results:  | A | B | C | D | E |      Games


Chess Festival "Liepajas rokade - 2016"


Chess Festival "Liepajas rokade - 2016": August 4 - 7, 2016, hotel "FONTAINE ROYAL" (Stūrmaņu iela 1, LIEPAJA, LATVIA). Total Prize Amount: 7000 EUR.


Regulations      Results:  [ Open ]  [ Team ]  [ Blitz ]      Games


/ Liepajas rokade - 2015 /

Panevezys Open 2016


Panevezys Open 2016

29 th International chess tournament Panevezys Open A 2016                  
Date: 2016  06  06 – 12
Venue: Hall College  Panevezys, str. Klaipedos 3. 
Organizer: IO Arvydas Baltrunas and  Panevezys chess club
Address: Laisves sq. 25 B , LT – 35200 Panevėžys    
Tournament Director:  IA, IO  Arvydas Baltrūnas    Mob.tel.  +370 68834262  VIBER  E-mail :  This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it   or  This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it     Web :www.chesslyga.lt


Regulations: [ A ]  [ B ]  [ C ]  [ GM ]  [ IM ]     Results: [ A ]  [ B ]  [ C ]  [ GM ]  [ IM ]    [ Blitz ]


Vladimir Petrov Memorial - 2016


Vladimirs PetrovsVladimir Petrov Memorial - Jurmala, Latvia, March 5-6, 2016
The festival featured leading Latvian grandmasters as well as a few strong grandmasters and chess lovers from all around the world.
The tournament was held in three groups A, B and C:
Tournament A is 12 round Swiss with the time control 15 minutes for each player plus 5 seconds increment for each move. The total prize fund is 15200 EUR.
Tournament B is reserved mainly for players rated 1800-2349. Swiss system, 10 rounds.
Tournament C is reserved for players rated less than 1800. Swiss system; 10 rounds.
The Blitz Tournament was held March 4 at 17:00 in the Amber Beach resort (Jaunkemeri). The time control - 3 minutes plus 3 seconds for each move starting with the first move; 11 rounds. Prize fund 2150 EUR.


Regulations      Results:  [ A ]  [ B ]  [ C ]  [ Blitz ]      Games      Gallery     [ Read more ... ]


/ Vladimir Petrov Memorial - 2015 /


Alexei Shirov Winter Cup - 2016


GM Aleksejs ŠirovsAlexei Shirov Winter Cup 2016
Jurmala (Latvia) 28th February - 4th March 2016
The event was held in two age groups - under 14 and under 10 as individual Swiss but with team rank as well (Each team consists of 3 boys and 1 girl. The participation of one reserve boy and girl in each team is possible. There are 7 rounds in each group (both are FIDE rated).




Results:  [ A ]  [ B ]  


Termo-Eko Chess Cup 2015


http://www.termo-eko.lv/Rīgas Šaha federācijaTermo-Eko Chess Cup 2015 - November 18-22, 2015
Venue:  Riga Chess Federation, Riga,1 Kalku street –Room 417

System: 7 Rounds, Swiss system, FIDE rules, ELO rated

Time limit: 90 minutes per game for each player + 30 seconds per move starting from move 1
Tie brakes: In case of ties the following tie brakes are used: 1) Mini Buchholz, 2) Buchholz, 3) Rating performance.


 Regulations:  LV  RU  EN       Results


IV Sigulda District Open Rapid Chess Championship

Author: Visvaldis Gercāns


SiguldaIV Sigulda District Open Rapid Chess Championship
Place and Time - Competition will be held on 3rd and 4th October, 2015 at Sigulda State gymnasium, K.Barona iela 10, Sigulda, Latvia.
System, time control - 11 rounds Swiss system, FIDE rules, FIDE rapid chess rating calculation. Time control 12 min + 5 sec/move.
On Saturday, October 3 registration of players from 13.00 till 13.50 and will be played 6 rounds from 14:00 until 19:15. On Sunday, October 4 will be played 5 rounds from 10:00 until 14:30.
Entry fee - 9 EUR. (Entry fee 7 EUR for participants by notice in advance until September 30 (17.00) by sending your name, city of residence, FIDE ID number to This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it ).



 Regulations:  EN  LV  RU     Results


Panevezys Open 2015


https://www.facebook.com/events/1549774835283643/28 th International chess tournament Panevezys Open 2015
Date: 2015 08  17-23
Venue: Hall of Panevezys Kolegija, Klaipedos street 3. Lithuania
Organizer: IO Arvydas Baltrunas and Panevezys chess club
Address: Laisves sq. 25 B , LT – 35200 Panevėžys
Tournament Director: IA, IO Arvydas Baltrūnas Mob.tel. +370 (676) 32388 ; +370 (688) 34262
 E-mail : This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it or This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it Web : www.chesslyga.lt


Regulations: | A | B | GM |       Results: [ A ] [ B ] [ Blitz ] [ GM ]




www.rtuopen.lvThe V International Chess Festival „RIGA TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OPEN 2015” - August 10-16, 2015, Riga, Latvia. Four main ELO tournaments and an additional blitz tournament; the total prize pool of the festival - 20 000 EUR.


Official Site      [ RIGA TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OPEN 2014 ]

Results:  | A | B | C | D | E |       GAMES      Gallery


Chess Festival "Liepajas rokade - 2015"


Chess Festival "Liepajas rokade - 2015": August 6 - 9, 2015, hotel "FONTAINE ROYAL" (Stūrmaņu iela 1, LIEPAJA, LATVIA). Total Prize Amount: 6 200 EUR.


Regulations   Results: [ Open ] [ Team ] [ Blitz ] [ Super ]    Games: [ 1 ] [ 2 ]


/ Liepajas rokade - 2014 /

Vladimir Petrov Memorial - 2015


Vladimirs PetrovsVladimir Petrov Memorial - Jurmala, Latvia, March 7-8, 2015
The festival featured leading Latvian grandmasters as well as a few strong grandmasters (such as Ivanchuk, Karjakin, Morozevich, Rapport and so on) and chess lovers from all around the world.
The tournament was held in three groups A, B and C:
Tournament A is 11 round Swiss with the time control 15 minutes for each player plus 6 seconds increment for each move. The total prize fund is 12900 EUR.
Tournament B is reserved mainly for players rated 1800-2349. Swiss system, 10 rounds.
Tournament C is reserved for players rated less than 1800. Swiss system; 10 rounds.
The Blitz Tournament was held March 6 at 16:50 in the Amber Beach resort (Jaunkemeri). The time control is 3 minutes plus 3 seconds for each move starting with the first move; 10 rounds. Prize fund 1700 EUR.


Regulations    Official site    Results:  [ A ]  [ B ]  [ C ]    [ Blitz ]     GAMES    Gallery


[ Vladimir Petrov Memorial - 2014 ]


Alexei Shirov Winter Cup - 2015


GM Aleksejs ŠirovsAlexei Shirov Winter Cup 2015
Jurmala (Latvia) 1st-6th March 2015
The event will be held in two age groups - under 14 and under 10 as individual Swiss but with team rank as well. Each team consists of 3 boys and 1 girl. The participation of one reserve boy and girl in each team is possible.
There are 7 rounds in each group (both are FIDE rated), time control is 90 minutes per game plus 30 seconds increment per move.



Regulations:  EN       Results:  [ A ]  [ B ]  [ C ]


Paul Keres Memorial - 2015


GM Paul Keres

THE PRELIMINARY TOURNAMENT was a Swiss system 7-round rapid chess (15+15 minutes + a 5-second increment) tournament in one group.
THE MAIN TOURNAMENT was a 9-round rapid chess (15+15 minutes + a 10-second increment) round robin tournament. 5 participants, including at least 2 from Estonia, - from the preliminary tournament, and 5 was personally invited.


Regulations      RESULTS / GAMES




http://juodabalta.org/CHESS CONGRESS DRUSKININKAI 2015 (Druskininkai, Lithuania, January 9–11, 2015) - 2 Rapid and 1 Blitz chess tournaments (9 rounds, Swiss system) + international chess training camp).


Regulations    Results:  [ Druskininkai Open ]  [ Aquapark Open ]  [ Blitz ]


Latvian Open 2014 Chess Universiade


http://studentusports.lv/ www.rtu.lv24 - 25 October, Riga Technical University, Kalķu Iela 1 - 417th (4th floor)
2014 Universiade is open to players from all Latvian universities, as well as from  other European universities. Each school is allowed to enter up to 5 men and 5 women with no lower than 1600 FIDE rating.
The competition takes place in accordance with the rules of FIDE rapid chess playing 7 rounds in the Swiss system.  Representatives from the same university shall not meet among themselves. Time control - 25 minutes until the end of the  game, each participant + 5 seconds for each move made.
The tournament will calculate rapid chess FIDE rating.


Regulations:  EN  LV     Results


III Sigulda District Open Rapid Chess Championship


Siguldas novadsPlace and Time
Competition was held on 4th and 5th October, 2014 at Sigulda State gymnasium, K.Barona iela 10, Sigulda, Latvia. Preliminary application until Wednesday, 1st October, 17.00.
The competition was organized and run by the Sigulda District Council Sports Department in cooperation with the Riga Chess Federation and Grandmaster Alexei Shirov. Tournament director Karina Putnina, e-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it , phone +371 67970207; organizer Visvaldis Gercans, e-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it , mob. phone +371 29277148.  The Chief Arbiter Alberts Cimins, e-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it , phone +371 28804664.
System, time control
11 rounds Swiss system, FIDE rules, FIDE rapid chess rating calculation.
Time control 12 min + 5 sec/move. Chief arbiter has the right to make changes.


Regulations     Results    Gallery:  [ 1 ]  [ 2 ]



Sigulda District Open Rapid Chess Championship 2013


Friendly match between Alexey Shirov and Evgeny Sveshnikov


GM Alexei Shirov vs GM Evgeny SveshnikovFriendly match between GM Alexey Shirov and GM Evgeny Sveshnikov - Riga, 26.-28.09.2014 (Time control: 50 minutes/game + 10 seconds/move.)


Live Games rtu.lv - Statistics    Results


Panevezys Open 2014


http://www.chesslyga.lt/index.php?lang=1&sid=45027 th International chess tournament Panevezys Open 2014
Date: 2014 09  5 – 11
Venue: Panevezys Kolegija, Laisvės square 23.
Organizer: IO Arvydas Baltrunas and Panevezys chess club
Address: Laisves sq. 25 B , LT – 35200 Panevėžys
Tournament Director: IO,FA Arvydas Baltrūnas Mob.tel. +370 (676) 32388; +370 (688) 34262
Email: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it , This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it   Web site: www.chesslyga.lt
System and rate of play: 9 rounds, played in the Swiss system in accordance with the FIDE Laws of Chess. The playing time will be 90 minutes for 40 moves plus 30 min. to end game with 30 seconds cumulative increment for each move starting from first move. FIDE rated. Chief Arbiter IA Raimondas Paliulionis.


Regulations     Results:  [ Open A ]  [ Open B ]  [ Blitz ]


X Baltic School Chess Festival - 2014


Baltijas valstu skolu šaha festivālsX Baltic School Chess Festival was held in 5 star Radisson Blu Daugava Hotel, 24 Kugu street, Riga, Latvia from August 25 (day of arrival) until August 30 (day of departure) 2014. Tournament system and rate of game:
The team tournament - according to the Swiss System in 7 rounds.
Time control: 90 minutes per game per player + 30 seconds per move starting from the move 1.
(Only FIDE ratings for the pairings). Fund of individual board prizes - 1000 EUR.

Regulations      Schedule       Read more ...   

Results   Board prizes   Games (pgn)   Gallery



IX Baltic School Chess Festival - 2013

The Baltic Summer Chess Camp 2014

Author: Yuri Agafonov


Starptautiskā šaha nometne RīgāThe international Baltic Summer Chess Camp (www.chessbaltic.com) held in Riga during August 13-16. It was an intensive and enjoyable training which will invigorate the chess practice of the children and adults with ELO below 2014. Participants from Latvia, Lithuania and the UK improved their chess skills and enjoyed Riga city (charming European Capital of Culture for 2014) celebration. City tour was held and participants were able to spend time wandering around the pleasant Riga Old Town exploring its markets, cafes and museums. The event was conducted in English which provided welcome cross-cultural and language experience for the participants.

Main trainer Verner Putka used a variety of teaching methods including lectures, game analysis, memory recall, exercises, consulting and pair games, simultaneous.  Fried Liver attack against the Two Knights defence was illustrated by the topical game Shirov (Latvia) – Sulskis (Lithuania) from the recent Tromso Olympiad which Shirov won in swashbuckling style.  Ričardas Fishmanas, the Lithuanian coach, presented some rare lines in the Kings Indian Defence. On the third day, Girts Kazmins navigated through the inevitable Latvian Gambit and showed it to be a dangerous weapon against the unprepared opponent. Valentin Kirilov, trainer of 8th World Champion Mikhail Tal, told about chess Heritage and showed a lot of personal materials. Participants were able to improve international chess ratings by playing in the local tournaments, including number of www.rtuopen.lv .

Grateful acknowledgement is due to those who supported the UK participants including Chess in Schools and Communities for its award grant to Megan Richards (Cardiff), as CSC Pupil of the Year; the John Robinson Youth Chess Trust for its grants to Michael Green (Canterbury) and George Harman (Manchester) and for the donation of prizes. Training take place in charming chess club ROYAL BIOGRAPHY, located in the historical center of Hanseatic Riga, thank you to the owner – Dainis Deglis. The BSCC 2014 achieved what was intend, was value for the money and all participants would like to return next year.

[ Photos ]

Organizators of BSCC2014:
John Foley, Director of Training and Education, Chess in Schools and Communities;
Dr. Yuri Agafonov, FIDE Trainer.

Starptautiskā šaha nometne Rīgā


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